I am bread game grumps
I am bread game grumps

i am bread game grumps

Demoted to Extra: In Super Mario 3D world after Danny decides to use Toad due to Luigi's terrible traction and medium speed causing problems for him.2 features Luigi as their player character. A Day in the Limelight: Super Mario Bros.The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: Seemingly knows what to do a little too often.Butt-Monkey: In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door.The Ace: Constantly a thorn in the side of the other three players.Usually accompanied by another computer player set to 'easy' to balance things out and make fun of how stupid their other opponent acts. The Grumps can't ever tell if Bill is a woman or an old man.Ī mainstay of all their Mario Party games and always set to 'hard.' Later shows up much more frequently as Dan's character of choice in several side-scrolling Mario games.But, they were playing on a Japanese cart, so their names were written in katakana. No Name Given: Inverted and subverted: The game gives them the names of Arthur, Hecate, Merlin, and Hermes.Mundane Made Awesome: Their quest to find the 7-11 in the middle of nowhere, fighting ECH'ing monsters Made of Explodium.After smooching a monster, it started to twitch around the room aimlessly. Kiss of Death: Apparently one of Big Bill's attacks.I Have Many Names: Brian, mostly because Arin and Jon can never remember what his name was beforehand.Hidden Depths: Brian likes to twinkletoe while the others are not watching, though the others are aware of it and it weirds them out.Badass Boast: Defeated is the monster! I've done my part, I've saved the kindgom!.Brian-Frank-Steve-Willard-Johnathan-Mike The IV-Mike The III-Michael Jordan-Scott, Bill, Langley, and Big Bill (Bigger Bill) are on a journey to find a 7-11 and beat up random monsters. The main protagonists in the Grump's playthrough of Drakken. "I'm still fucking pissed with other Bill, he's wearing my outfit!" The Bus Came Back: Mentioned on-the-spot in Part 5 of Super Mario Bros., and apparently will go to a senior prom with Arin the next day.The One Guy: Nixon and Dixon are girls, by the way.Odd Name Out: The players in Jeopardy are Nixon, Dixon, and.Apparently he does know the answer (note how the gibberish in the quote has letters from South America,) but since he apparently wasn't programmed to give actual wrong answers, most of the letters are just replaced with random characters.Ditzy Genius: He knows a lot of trivia and can remember it near-instantly, but if he doesn't know the answer he will still buzz in anyway and just spout gibberish.It's what he looks like when he jerks off a dick. A Date with Rosie Palms: He is constantly making a jerking-off motion with his hand.Unfortunately, his difficulty in spelling 'South America' almost led to his downfall. Appearing in their Jeopardy series, Fuckin' Larry proved to be a worthy foe for the Grumps, showing them up multiple times.

I am bread game grumps